Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ordination of Women

I realize your original question had to do with what my WIFE thinks about ordination of women. Of course, living with me she hears all these ancient Greek Orthodox arguments which almost no one in the world knows including many Greeks. Being male I can testify to the fact that in a certain way all males are rotten. I was the one who make up the saying "All men are dogs but some dogs are Lassie." Oh, and if you want to argue that Lassie was FEMALE, then Google and find out that ALL 14 Lassie dogs were male because males are larger and do not have a problem with seasonal molting. There were monks in the Greek monastery who had been there thirty years and complained during confession that every time they see a woman they are afflicted with carnal thoughts. Males are afflicted by testicles and testosterone. Certainly it is true that women experience sexual temptations but their batting average is a lot better than males in the area of sexual misconduct. My wife would be 100 per cent in favor of women ordinations.

There are some Protestant denominations who criticize Catholics saying "If Jesus were electrocuted would you wear an electric chair around your neck?" and "if you celebrate a Mass every day then you are crucifying Christ over and over." What such critics fail to realize is that there is only one Crucifixion in a pre-Eternal moment and mystically celebrants are transported to that moment.

There will always be innovations and schisms BUT... for some reason Mt. Athos and St. Catherine's Sinai have continued unchanged stretching back to Apostolic times. As long as somewhere in the world there are a few people doing what has been done since the beginning then it really does not matter if there are groups who start ordaining women or robots and have a Eucharist of cheerios and kool-aid.

There are Reform Jewish synagogues which have female lesbian Rabbis and since the Torah says "thou shalt not lie with a male as with a female" the gay couples have sex standing up and feel that they have fulfilled the mitzvah (NO I am NOT joking)

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