Monday, November 14, 2011

The Political Power of the Open Source Community

I would be a miracle of +Linus Torvalds would notice this post and would take an interest in this cause of unifying all glucose meter manufacturers under some kind of ANSI standard and making Linux open source the backbone of a universal agnostic Glucose meter software.  IOGEAR, the mfg of a usb-serial converter would certainly be in a position to engage in this project.  I am certain that any door would open wide if someone of Mr. Torvalds' stature knocked. Such a project would greatly benefit the open source world because it would bring to public attention the realization of what a powerful force the open source community can be. The world would realize how foolish and short sighted is the proprietary selfishness and greed of private enterprise Corporations.  If there were contests and scholarships then young students around the world would become more involved in science and technology. Diabetes is a serious problem around the world even in countries too poor to afford expensive hardware and software. Ubuntu and other varieties of Linux have come so far already. There is no reason why Linux cannot become the OS to serve all the worlds needs. Source Forge has demonstrated that if it runs on Linux then it can easily be ported to other platforms. So why develop in some proprietary platform to begin with. And if you get it working in XP 32 bit then you find out it wont work in Windows 7 64 bit.

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