Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Swords of the Apostles

Only TWO swords, and Jesus healed the ear of the centurion who was struck.  I think the point of the swords (only two) was symbolic to demonstrate that he was not helpless but chose to surrender to his fate.  Jesus only made TWO destructive gestures. One was to THREATEN the money changers with a whip, but he never struck them, and also when Jesus told the fig tree "zeranthesate" (be thou withered) ... but it was only found withered on the next day and did not wither immediately.  OHHH and if I remember correctly Jesus did not COMMAND the apostles to take swords but rather permitted them to take two when they asked. If resistance by violent force was Jesus intention then why not arm all the apostles? And Jesus mentions that he could command a legion of angels so why bother with armed apostles. And there is some verse about how those who approached to seize him were briefly blown down by some invisible force. I think all this was to demonstrate that Jesus had the means to escape but freely chose to submit to his fate.  All the crap that took place in the Middle Ages and the Spanish Inquisition and Salem witch burnings and Senator McCarthy's witch hunts have no bearing upon the essence of Jesus life or message but only show how clever human nature is at twisting and distorting facts to support their own selfish and evil agendas.

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