Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why Does the Obvious Need a Prophet or Revelation

So, IF truth and goodness are univalent, unambiguous, persuasive, transformative then WHY are we not explicitly, didactically told what is true and good in declarative syllogisms which predicate with algorithmic precision (why are we spoken to in figures and parables) and FURTHERMORE if the truth is ONE and it unambiguously persuades then why are we not all Republicans (or Democrats) or Calvinists or Sufis?  Calvin in his Institutes of Divine Religion and Mohammad in the Qur'an both make occasional appeals to "common sense" ... "for DO YE NOT KNOW" or "all men agree..."  BUT if everything is intuitively obvious then why the need for prophets to be sent and divine revelation. For THAT matter, IF the verses of Paul in Hebrews, Chapter 11, , about all things things in the Old Testament wrought by faith are not Paul's brilliant, persuasive rhetoric but are truly the meaning of the Old Testament then WHY do we not find those express statements in the Old Testament. Why must we wait for Paul to state the obvious? 

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