Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Legal Signatures

Speaking of cursive for legal signatures, one of the first things I learned was my full name as a legal signature, and I have done it the same way for 50 years. But I have known so many people who have cryptic little Byzantine marks which g...ive NO indication as to what their actual name is BUT they are marks which are difficult to forge. I worked for 3 years for a man from Paris who was out of the country half the time and I was in the office by myself. With his permission I often had to sign that cryptic little signature of his. I learned cursive writing in Russian enough to get by when I was in my 20's but I cannot remember it now. It isn't THAT big a deal to learn a phonetic alphabet like Greek or Russian; each one took me less than a month. Children should master some skill sets. We do forget much of what we learn/memorize unless we use it regularly. I did every single problem odd and even in the 960 page calculus text by Purcell just to see if I could do it. Now all I can tell you is that a derivative is a slope at a point, an integral is an area under a curve, a double integral is a volume and a triple integral is a volume in 4-space and multidimensional spaces are simply models to handle 10 or 20 variables algebraically and do not necessarily have a visual analog.

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