Saturday, December 24, 2011

Show me your prophetesses

For several years I worked as a computer programmer with the wife of a pastor who herself had a major in mathematics and a minor in theology.  One day I asked her, out of curiosity: "SUPPOSE that a Roman Catholic began attending your services and after some months asked to convert to your faith: would you baptize them or how would you receive them?"  She said "Oh, they are not Christians since they believe in works so we would baptize them, but FIRST we would have them produce a number of witnesses who could testify that they are leading a godly life."  NO I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. This is verbatim what she answered. So obviously she believes that someone must be sinless at least in the sense of no public scandals BEFORE they can be baptized.  Do YOU feel the pastor's wife is theologically correct?  One day I met her pastor husband and I asked him whether which denomination/tradition he was, Baptist, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Lutheran, etc. He looked shocked and said "well I hope I am BIBLICAL."  I said, "but dont you realize that if you spoke to the Pope, and to the head of the Mormon Church, and to a Jehovah's Witness and to a Christian Scientist that EACH would insist that they are Bible based?"  He looked embarrassed and said "well I suppose you are right."  In fact, somewhere in Acts it speaks of a family with two prophetess daughters. Since that must be Biblical, I ask you to produce a few prophetesses from your congregation to show me that you are Bible-based.

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