Saturday, February 04, 2012

Paltalk chat with students in North Vietnam

This morning in Paltalk I spend some time chatting (in voice and typing) with several college students in North Vietnam; one male who majors in business and finance, and one female age 20.  They were very happy because I said that I like and admire the Vietnamese people.  I mentioned that I have a friend, a professor of history, who is teaching about Capitalism.  I spoke about growing up in the 1950s during the cold war fear of Communism.  The woman student spoke of the loneliness of being an only child and how hard she works to please her parents by getting good grades, career and making the right choices in study. I mentioned how in South Korea the students study SO MUCH that a law was passed forbidding study groups (tutoring) after 10pm and that the homework police patrol looking for rooms where illicit tutoring groups are active.  There are some Chinese students in their Hanoi university. These Vietnamese do study some Mandarin but mostly English. 

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