Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Who Is Saved and How - 3
Astronomer Sir James Jeans said that IF the universe is some vast machine to produce reflective, self-conscious intelligence then it is amazing that such a vast machine should yield so little product.
Looking back at prophet Ezekiel's notion that we are judged by our final state as righteous or unjust, then the question of salvation seems NOT to be so much an adding up in the balace scales the bad things that we have done in life against the good things BUT rather how we have progressed in our knowledge and understanding of the proper manner to live life in a community. One verse of Jesus in the New Testament is ambiguous in the Greek and may mean either "The kingdom of heaven is WITHIN you" OR "the kingdom of heaven is AMONG you (implying your relation with your neigbors in particular and society in general, and if THIS is true then salvation somehow involves political values. Rabbis point out that of the 613 mitzvahs of the Toral, 365 negative (though shalt not) and 128 positive (thou SHALT) ... most of those commandments or injunctions have to do with our fare dealings with others. One modern Rabbi states on page one of his book on Jewish Wisdom (paraphrasing from
memory) "We shall only be judged for 4 things: 1.) Were we honest in our business dealings. 2.) Did we make a sincere effort to bring children into the world, or if that were not possible then to adopt and raise children, 3.) Did we set aside regular time to STUDY Torah (religious/philosophical wisdom) and 4.) Did we hope for and anticipate the Apokastasis-Reconsruction-Tikkun Olam of the world (i.e. that it become a better place.)
Moses Maimonides (Rambam) circa 12th century is considered one of the greatest Talmudic minds of all time. Maimonides somewhere said "Righteousness is not a goal or end in itself but is an exercise or preparation for participation in some higher state of being in a future
We may have the best of intentions and desire to do what is right but through our lack of understanding we may actually do harm. Conversely we may intent to do harm but unwittingly do something that leads to the good. Joseph's brothers out of jealosy and envy plotted to kill Joseph but
later decided to sell him into slavery in Egypt. Through a serious of events Joseph came to by very powerful politically. Then famine struck the land of his brothers. They came to Egypt and Joseph was in a position of political power to save them from the famine. When they asked Joseph's forgiveness Joseph said "You intended evil but God transformed your evil into good for, because of your actions, I am now in a position to save my kindred from the famine."