Saturday, March 03, 2012

Can Religions Solve World Problems Part 2

You dont need true Islamic doctrine to support a cobalt bomb scenario, all you need are heretics with a distorted ideology and cobalt bomb technology, and there are no shortage of heretics in this world, are there?

If you watch documentaries of Communist Chinese in the 1960s you will see that they have a fervor of devotion to Communism which is equal to religious fervor. And the Koreans worship their "dear leader" - you dont need a religion to be zealous - there are zealous Atheists.

One Chinese teenage girl in a documentary from the 1960s said that American teenagers only think about sex and drugs, but Chinese teenagers think only about how to be good party members and help their society.

Any sort of religion is a form of mental illness, just like superstitions, and people who think that the world will be saved by a Christian or Islamic or Jewish theocracy are foolish. War and violence have been the ultimate deciding factors throughout history. Islam has not achieved any sort of unity any more that Christianity or Judaism or Hinduism or Buddhism. All one sees are centuries of sectarian divisions, colonial aggression, holy wars. This thread started with Ron Paul, who is welcomed here because he is sympathetic to the Muslim side while Clinton and Obama are seen as stupid evil puppets. I say the world is run by stupid evil puppets whose ultimate solution is weapons and violence, and now we have destructive power beyond our wildest dreams where each and every nuclear sub has more destructive power than all five years of WWII BOTH sides combined.

America's Republican party tries to out-Jesus each other and sees Jesus and religion as the solution to everything and even though the world is facing overpopulation and global warming, we should forbid all birth control, and abortions, and have as many babies as possible because that is pleasing to God

Abraham Maslow said "When the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem tends to become a nail." Well, the only tool you have is the Qur'an and so every problem you see should be solvable by your one and only tool. One Mullah said "books are useless because either they say what is in the Qur'an in which case they are redundant or else they something which is not in the Qur'an in which case they are blasphemy."

In the 1930s the Prohibition amendment was passed making alcohol illegal, but it was repealed after a few years because it CREATED more problems than it solved, including a mafia organized crime to supply bootleg alcohol. I gave up alcohol four years ago, but if Prohibition was up for a vote tomorrow I would not vote for Prohibition because I KNOW that once cannot control something like alcohol by criminalizing it. So the same goes for abortion. Abortion WAS criminal prior to Rowe v. Wade and yet the rich women went to countries where they could get an abortion and the poor women died in back alley abortions. Abortion is the worst form of birth control but you will not eliminate it by criminalizing it. There are alcoholics in Iran. I know because I know a doctor in Tehran who treats them. There are also heroin addicts in Iran. The heroin addicts are not punished as harshly as the alcoholics because the Qur'an does not forbid heroin as clearly and explicitly as it forbids alcohol. Sometimes they give out a punishment of 1000 lashes. That many lashes all at once would be fatal. So they give you 50 and let you heal, and then they give you 50 more, and let you heal, until you have received all 1000. But what good does it do? A man who is poor may steel, but then if you cut off his hand and his foot he will be less likely to earn an honest living. So what is the point?

Personally I think Ron Paul would be the best, but he will never get in because most Americans are stupid, and they cannot understand why Ron Paul would be the best. But America is doomed no matter who is in the White House. There is no single leader who can change the course of America's decline, in my opinion.

Buddhism points out a truth when it says that DESIRE is the source of all suffering, so therefore a paradise filled with sticky rivers and sex will not cure your human problem of desires which can never be satisfied and the suffering which follows from such desires.

Religion is very simple: My prophet can beat up your prophet with one hand tied behind his back. This is religions in a nutshell.

Why would an educated adult in the 21st century seriously believe some ancient superstitious religion. Why do I need any religion much less your religion. And by the way all Islamic societies seem unstable and beset with corruption but then so are all non-Islamic societies.

the problem is not any religion, the problem is human nature which is incurable... so the only end will be extinction... but each and every year a certain number of species go extinct

Islam and Christianity are useless little band-aids that people paste on incurable cancers.

what does all this superstitious religious nonsense have to do with anything. Religions only divide humanity, they do not unite.

there are no solutions apart from war and destruction, and if it should be that only the Australians and Canadians survive, you can bet that in 100 years they will be divided by some ideological conflict

The nations that are Islamic theocracy hardly seem like orderly paradises of peace and prosperity. So what will it achieve to make the entire world Muslim?

Ok - I did think of one solution long ago. Humans will design a new species of being with genetic engineering, a cyborg that is part Artificial Intelligence, and that new species will gain control and will see their human creators as an infection to be eliminated. These designer beings will replace their human creators. And the world will go on from there.

Our sun is a star which is too small to explode as a spectacular supernova, and would have to be four times larger to be a supernova, so in about 100,000 years it will increase in size as a white dwarf and at that point, the planet Earth will be too hot for life. After 8 billion years our sun, now a white dwarf will collapse upon itself as a singularity (black hole.) So we can kind of look down the road and see our own destruction, if we do not kill ourselves first with nuclear war or biological weapons.

Where is there any need to decriminalize murder? Do you see anyone standing trial for bin Laden's assassination or Saddam Hussein's execution, or the assassination of those Iranian scientists in their cars with magnet bombs. Nations kill with wars, drone strikes, and assassinations quite freely, all sides, there is no law which stops them. They make their own laws. G.W.Bush and Cheney should stand trial at the Hague for war crimes but they will never stand trial. I am simply describing the world and history as I see it with my plain eyes. You see the same facts that I see, whether you care to admit them or not.

If a man kills his neighbor, in any country, it is murder and he goes to trial and pays the price. If a president assassinates a dictator with drones, it is not murder, it is a military strike, and no one pays any criminal price. In fact, even the Geneva convention is ignored when it is violated by water boarding torture or detention without due process.

If in 1900 I had told the world about a World War, they would have called me crazy and said that such a large scale war would be impossible. And if I said that men will walk on the moon and robots will photograph Mars, again, I will be called crazy. Yet 1914-18 and 1935-40 showed us TWO world wars and now moon walks and robots on Mars are a reality. The world is filling with nuclear weapons so that even poorer countries have them. Why is it so difficult to imagine a World War III with nuclear weapons. Common sense tells you that it will happen sooner or later.

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